Thuya - Vegan Regenerating Cream
Thuya - Vegan Regenerating Cream
What’s it for?
Brow lamination
How long does the treatment last?
8-12 weeks
Product highlights:
This solution is step 3 of Thuya Brow lamination system
This seals the final effect from first and second steps restores moisture back into the brows & skin
Argan oil & vitamin E help strengthen hairs
Solid oil - once warmed on the back of hand/glove it is easy to apply onto brows. The thicker consistency of this oil makes it much easier to style the brows
Tell your clients at the end of your lamination to leave solution on for a further 24 hours will ensure the product restores the moisture back into the hair & skin
This is also a great aftercare for your clients. You can sell it to retail to your clients, and at Velt we use it on our maintenance appointments after a brow wax & tint or hybrid dye.